Hikiko San

URBAN LEGEND JAPAN HIKIKO SAN ひきこさん I don't think many of you know about this female ghost. Yes that's how it is...apart from being rarely discussed, this ghost turned out to be less popular than Sadako or Kayako. As an addition to insight and knowledge, I will give a little story about her. WHO IS HIKIKO Hikiko san ( ひきこさん ) is an urban legend started to deter children from bullying. Her story says she was beaten at home by her father, which caused her to look deformed and her deformities caused her to also get bullied at school. One day, she had enough. Some say she committed suicide, while others say she was killed by her father. None the less, she has come back as a hostile spirit, seeking out those who have wronged her and killing them by dragging them on the ground until they die. ANOTHER STORY VERSION Mori Hikiko ( 森ひきこさん ) is a bad-faced little girl who is always tortured by her parents and friends. He was very depressed and experienced mental ...