STORY AND CULTURE SIREN (THE EVIL MERMAID) If you've heard about a Mermaid, what do you think? Maybe our thoughts or answers are directed at sea creatures of a princess in the form of a lower body that resembles a fish. But do you know if the Mermaid has an evil form?. Yes, the creature is Siren, ironically Siren is often referred to as the Mermaid. According to the story, actually they are both very different creatures. To more understand about it, I will try to explain a story about Siren in my article. * SIREN * Latin name : Sirena Other names : Seraine, Sereine, Serena, Serina, Seirenes, Syrena A deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish . (In the sentence I wrote in red, it is the basic difference between Mermaid and Siren). Sometimes Siren is described as a half bird human, half fish human. Or even a mixture of both, that is half fish humans who have legs. The description of Siren forms varies depending on the beliefs and stories of each person