If you've heard about a Mermaid, what do you think? Maybe our thoughts or answers are directed at sea creatures of a princess in the form of a lower body that resembles a fish. But do you know if the Mermaid has an evil form?. Yes, the creature is Siren, ironically Siren is often referred to as the Mermaid. According to the story, actually they are both very different creatures. To more understand about it, I will try to explain a story about Siren in my article.

Latin name : Sirena
Other names : Seraine, Sereine, Serena, Serina, Seirenes, Syrena A deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish.
(In the sentence I wrote in red, it is the basic difference between Mermaid and Siren).
Sometimes Siren is described as a half bird human, half fish human. Or even a mixture of both, that is half fish humans who have legs. The description of Siren forms varies depending on the beliefs and stories of each person.

A Siren is a creature in Greek mythology. The sirens were living on an island surrounded by rocks.

The siren is a deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish. Early sources say the siren is human (always female) from the head to the navel, and bird from the waist down. Later sources say that the siren is fish from the waist down, like a mermaid. They usually have wings. In some cases sirens are described as having both bird's feet and a fish tail.
-Philippe de Thaon-

Sirens or "Seirenes" or Dragon Siren (Greek: Σειρῆνας) are legendary creatures that live in the ocean. He was among the Naiads (one of the Nymphs who lived in water) who lived on an island called Sirenum Scopuli. They live in a place surrounded by rocks and cliffs. They also sang captivating songs that made the sailors who heard them become lulled so that their ship crashed into a reef and sank. Sirens had wicked and evil intentions behind their motives, they used to drown the sailors into the sea. This proves that they were harmful and dangerous in nature. They are the Akhelous princesses (with Terpsikhore, Melpomene, or Sterope) or Porkhis. According to sources, such as Hmeros, their numbers ranged between two or five. Several sources were collected so that there were nine of them.
Their individual names are :
Aglaofonos or Aglaope
Pisinoe or Peisinoë
Thelksiepiea or Thelksiope or helksinoe

Meeting With The Siren :
1. The story of the meeting with the Sirens is told in the story of Odisseia.
2. The story of the meeting with the Sirens is also told in the adventure of Iason, Argonautics.
Odisseus and The Sirens


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